
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Be patient…Don’t be impatient.

Be patient…

Don’t be impatient.

You are relative accompanying a patient…your patient may be in critical stage.


It is your moral responsibility to keep an eye on line of treatment and prognosis…but you should be dare enough to face the situation.

Even in condition of worsening…your panicky condition…can also make medical staff panicky…or sometimes irritating…which is certainly not good for your patient. 


Be believe in your doctor…who is there to take care of your patient.


Be aware of the fact that doctor has also his limits…


So try to keep cool…even in case of worst condition…and do not cross your limits.

Don’t Hide…

Doctor’s cards are open…

1.Doctor’s degree certificate showing his qualification & his Registration certificate is displayed in waiting room.

2.Doctor explains the nature of the illness & likely Risk.

3.Doctor explains likely expense.

4.Doctor explains likely complications.

5. Doctor advises you all the necessary Diagnostic Tests.

So Kind Enough Not To Hide Your Medical History

For Patients &/or Relatives…

Choose Your Doctor…

What points are to be kept in mind or to consider before choosing your doctor…?

Let me mention some…

1. Choose Doctor to whom you believe & trust…

2. Choose Doctor who is well Qualified & experienced…

3. Choose Doctor with good reputation…

4. Choose Doctor according to patient’s illness…

5. Get your knowledge updated with different specialties & pathies...

Be a Healthy Patient

Duties of a Patient &/or Relatives…

1. Consult your doctor as early as possible.

2. Visit your doctors with all previous medical history records.

3. Do not hide any symptoms.

4. Provide recently done investigations

5. Tell frankly about medicines prescribed by previous doctor/doctors.

6. You are a Patient & take care to maintain the Patience…

7. Pay all deposits as per advice.

8. Use descent language with Doctor.

9. Do not insist to give raised amount of bills.

10. Be co-operative with Staff...

11. Do not pressurize for false medical certificate.

12. Do pressurize to issue false medical claims…

13. Collect all your reports like discharge card & etc before leaving the premises...

14. Clear all Dues before leaving premises…

15 Follow all instructions given by doctor.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Role As a Relative of a Patient....

Date – 09 March 2010


How should I behave as a relative of Patient?

By Dr. Subhash:


                            When I make a though on a subject , I asked a question to myself – ‘am I behave in the same manner as most of our patients’ relatives reacts?’.

Thanks God. I never behave in the manner the most of the relatives of our patient react.


                            Then I made an attempt to observe relative’s behavior, response, comments & his psychology.

And then tried to make some norms of descent behavior by relatives of patient.


1. choose your doctor by your own sense by whom you want treatment of your patient.


2.Visit doctor with all your previous records. Kindly don’t hide anything.


3.Once you made a decision & brought patient to a particular doctor or hospital….kindly do not take any doubts on their abilities. You are there by your choices not by compulsion.


4.Then please do not irritate doctor by saying are you capable or are you take full guaranty of treatment/cure of the patients conditions.


5.Do ask too many queries related to dieses of your patient more & more frequently, your doctor may suggest number of diagnostic tests for your patients which may or may not be urgent or even essential on urgent basis.


6.Do not over react or get panicky. Or doctor even though best at his ability as a doctor, being a human being with stress & tension, he may loose his patience.


7.Be a patience. Doctor will call you to inform patients conditions periodically & whenever required.


8.The relative accompanied a patient should be responsible & emotionally well balanced. He should be able person to give consent to particular line of treatment. That person start shouting for help/opinion of another relatives and insisting to with held the emergency necessary line of treatment till another relatives comes.


9.Relative should be aware of that doctor can proceed for necessary treatment when needed in emergency to save the life of patient with out relative’s consent.

In  short this person should all powers like power of attorney.


10.Be polite with the staff. Otherwise you may get same kind of treatment by staff & then you will blame on the roughness of staff.


11.Follow all restrictions advised by doctor or his/her staff.


12.Try to deposit all amount as advised.


13. Collect all given reports & necessary documents receipts & etc while leaving the premises.


14.Be honest to pay all bills & charges at the time of discharge. Don’t demand to keep balance. Instead you should take care to make it arranged by you in advance by ant suitable means. Keep eye on bank holidays.


15.Where fixed charge norm is not their it is likely that may you may pressurize  the doctor for discount or concession. Nothing wrong in it ....  But in the intention of it do not make allegations to doctors like no proper medical treatment or no facilities provided or etc…                                                                                                                                        Rather you can give your feedback after clearing all you dues.


16 Do not make any comments on treatment part of doctor or your                    unsatisfied ness on any issue related to it, at least in front of staff.

They are going tell this thing to doctor & that doctor may add you into provisional black list. And the next time you visit the doctor you may not be welcomed in real sense.


17.Do not make allegations on other doctors. By making such allegations you are indirectly hurting his feelings as your attack is medical profession... And whenever he/she gets time he is going to tell this things  to that particular doctor. Do not forget they are associated ,united & they meet regularly in their association’s meeting & they are  having health relations. You may be combined added in their black list …

 So take care not comment….


18 Do not develop a habit or fashion to make social statement against noble medical profession. You might pass wrong message in society…



19. Do not abuse doctor or his staff, they may file a case against you. Be a mature & responsible social person.


20.Do not try to assault doctor or his premises by physical attack…Do not damage any property of doctor or his staff…..Be aware… New Law amended can make imprisonment & recovery of amount you have damaged.

Are you Healthy Relative …Share your comment….


Foot Note : Be a healthy Relative like me...All the Best….  


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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Am I a Responsible Relative of my Patient?

Date – 7th March 2010

Violence against 

Medical Profession & Related Topics

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Foot Note : Be a healthy Relative like me...All the Best….

Topics related to medical professions....

Date – 7th March 2010

And Many More Related Topics
By Dr. Subhash:

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